Academic Activities
Academic Affiliations
Evidence-Driven Education Research Council
Information Processing Society of Japan
The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers
Steering Committee Members
2022.04, Information Processing Society of Japan, CLE (Computer-Learning Support Information System) Special Interest Groups, Steering Committee Member.
Roles at academic conferences, meetings, symposiums
2023.03.10~2023.03.11,Information Processing Society of Japan, The 39th Conference on CLE, Executive Committee Member.
2022.03.22~2022.03.22, The 4th Workshop on Predicting Performance Based on the Analysis of Reading Behavior, Organizing Committee.
2018.09.10~2018.09.14, The 22nd International Conference on Developments in Language Theory, Program Commitee.
2015.11.30~2015.12.01, The 1st workshop on e-Book-based Educational Big Data for Enhancing Teaching and Learning, Program Committee.
Participation in editing journals, books, etc.
2023.04, Transactions of Information Processing Society of Japan, "Education and Computers" (TCE), Domestic, Editorial Board Member.
2014.11~2017.03, Bulletin of Fundamental Education, Domestic, Editorial Board Member.
2015.07, ICALT2015 Best Paper Award(Short paper), The 15th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies (ICALT 2015).
2014.03, Azusa Ono Memorial Academic Award, Waseda University
Research Funds
Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (MEXT, JSPS)
2022-2025, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A), Co-Investigator, データ駆動型教育のための高密度学習分析基盤の構築と評価.
2022-2025, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A), Co-Investigator, 学習行動改善モデルに基づくラーニングアナリティクス基盤の開発と評価.
2021-2023, International Joint Research Enhancement (B), Co-Investigator, 学習改善行動の意思決定を支援する学習ダッシュボードの開発と評価.
2016-2019, Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientist (B), Principal Investigator, 化学反応オートマトンにおける決定性計算の研究.
2013, Grant-in-Aid for JSPS Fellows, Principal Investigator, 化学反応オートマトンの解析と応用に関する研究.
2012, Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientist (B), Principal Investigator, 化学反応オートマトンの研究.